APS Impact
APS is an enterprise permit management and payment system that centralizes the permits, customers, and payment data into an automated digital application
The Airport Permit System (APS) is an enterprise digital solution for managing all permits and associated payments, including employee parking, which often changes on a continual basis, is manual, time consuming and error prone.
The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (MWAA) manages DCA (Reagan) and IAD (Dulles) airports. Employee parking at the airports continue to grow. Between the two airports, about 26,000 hangtags and 300 decals across 36 lots and 10,000 spaces are managed for which $9.2M in revenue is collected. Managing employee parking was time consuming, error prone, not customer focused or administratively easy.
The legacy parking system lacked key administrative functionality that resulted in manual processes. Company and tenant airline bulk payment customers were burdened with time consuming and manual procedures for fee payments and space assignments. Additionally, there was no dashboard or reporting analytics.
APS has saved numerous hours of administration, is much easier for all customers - individuals, companies, and airlines - and provides numerous new features like self-service credit card payments, tailored dashboards, and tailored reports.
APS Features/Capabilities
- New digital customer self-service portal
- Parking Representative bulk management portal
- API/ integration with credit card and data source systems and gateways
- Automated parking staff functions such as parking fees configuration and assignments
- Search features for Airport Police/ Operations for permit status
- Easily scalable for all types of airport permits
For More Information